Question #1 - To earn a Yes rating Manager must receive a yes for 2, 3A, 3B and 3C, and 4. Question #2 - To earn a Yes rating Manager might say; I understand that having a large enough room is important as well as being in a convenient location and having quality service. OR they may say I understand all these things are important to you. (As long as they acknowledge one of the needs, they will get credit.) Question #3 - To earn a Yes rating, the manager must sell a relevant feature and benefit to one of your needs to receive 5 points; two of your needs to receive 10 points and all three of the needs 15 points. Question #4 - Asking a trial closing question to test Caller's acceptance of the proposed solution earns a Yes rating. The Concern (objection) will be provided on the assignment sheet and will be either a Skepticism, a Misunderstanding, or a Drawback. Examples: Skepticism- You say, “I think that room will be too crowded.” More of a perception than a fact Misunderstanding- “Somebody said that the property was dated…” but the hotel had just undergone a renovation. A truth that was misunderstood. Drawback- The hotel has an indoor pool but you want an outdoor pool for a reception. Cannot be done, a true drawback. If NO objection is to be raised, as listed on your assignment sheet, please check the Skepticism box for question #1, and check N/A for questions #2-#6. Managers may not specifically ask for the business, rather this step is about asking the caller to do SOMETHING - a next step to gain the business and seek some type of commitment to help move things forward. Question #1 - To earn a Yes rating Manager must receive a yes for 2, 3 and 4. Question #2 - To earn a Yes rating, Manager must include at least one benefit statement. Question #3 - To earn a Yes rating, Manager must outline AT LEAST 2 steps. Examples of steps include (but not limited to) It sounds like the next step is to send you a proposal. I know you mentioned your boss would also be a part of the decision. Can I have his email address so I can copy him as well? I will then follow up with you next week, alright? THE MANAGER MUST ASK THE CUSTOMER TO DO SOMETHING SUCH AS REVIEW THE PROPOSAL PRIOR TO THE NEXT CALL. Question #4 - Asking a trial closing question on any feature or price quote to obtain Caller's feedback OR seeking agreement on the proposed next step earns a Yes rating.


Resolving Customer Concerns (Objection):


23 | P a g e

C o n f i d e n t i a l , c a n n o t b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e o u t s i d e H o s p i t a l i t y S o f t n e t

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