Sales Shop Report Writing
Sequence of Events – Shared Shop – Who does What?
Caller receives assignment from Cheryl Benjamin by email.
Read through the sections carefully on your own where it pertains to Writer
Caller prepares for call and conducts all interactions with the hotel.
Caller will create report in computer and will log entire chronology of interaction. Report chronology reflects the time zone of the identity being used. As the shop progresses, Caller will save all needed items in one folder dedicated to the shop for ease in sending. Caller will obtain any collateral (proposals, contracts, menus) and written correspondence to be included with the report. The collateral file name should indicate what it is such as proposal or menus, and the emails are to be compiled on an email trail document. Once the Caller has spoken with a manager, availability and pricing are confirmed Caller will email Cheryl Benjamin with the email Subject Line of “NEEDS A WRITER_Hotel Name". For example; NEEDS A WRITER_ Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf (only the hotel name is needed). Caller will receive a reply from Cheryl, letting the caller know who the writer will be. The Writer assigned by Cheryl will be copied on this email as well. Cheryl will indicate who the writer is by saying something like “Please send to Kate”.
Caller will then send directly to the Writer the audio and page 1 & 2 of the report along with any correspondence received to date. If they do not receive, they need to contact the caller!
The following is sent to the writer: 1. A copy of the assignment sheet 2. The report on the correct template with pages 1 and 2 (including the chronology, NOT including the Financial Section) completed 3. One compressed recording including all calls placed to the hotel to date 4. All correspondence including menus, proposals & contracts; all emails copied and pasted onto the email trail form
12 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only
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