Sales Shop Report Writing
General Notes on Shops
1. When writing the comments, please be detailed and specific .
2. Once you have completed your report review the comments overall as though you were someone actually reading the report to make sure the information makes sense and allows the reader to understand the “flow” of the conversation.
3. If the sales person’s approach was a little scattered, make sure it is clear when something was said or asked so the reader can determine how the call was handled.
When writing the comments regarding criticisms/suggestions, keep in mind we want to be low key and be as “soft” as possible in our wording. We want to minimize any defensiveness as much as possible.
4. Ensure the written comments are in line with what is on the recording . If the hotel hears something different than what is written in the comments, or if something on the recording that is fairly important is not written in the report they may question the accuracy of our reports overall and this can jeopardize an account . 5. While we want to give good information that is objective, if you are questioning whether to lean one way or another, let’s lean on the side of the sales person. We don’t want to give them an unfair advantage. However, at the same time we don’t want to be so strict and difficult that we make it hard for them to do well. Use your judgment, and when in doubt contact your coach or HSI.
6. When there are positives...make sure we clearly recognize them in the comments. Overall, we want the report to be as positive a tool as possible .
7. One way to make sure comments are complete is to review the questions asked for in that section . If anything is rated no, that is an issue you could write a recommendation about. While we don’t address every single one, every time, we should address the majority of them in the comments. When writing these recommendations and areas of strength, write in the order the questions appear on the template rather than in the order the manager addressed them.
8. When writing dates and times, make sure to use proper spacing. For example. 4 PM should have a space between PM and the number 4. Example: 4 PM. Don’t say 4pm.
9. Avoid using abbreviations, contractions and parenthesis.
10. Make sure when you are finished with a report that you: Re-calculate the score. Spell check. Look the report overall. Make sure the score seems appropriate based on how the call was handled and that your choice of “would or would not have booked” makes sense.
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