Sales Shop Report Writing

When More Than One Person From the Hotel Handle an Inquiry

Despite efforts to deal with one person, often others may do part of the call. If this happens, b ase the scoring and answers on how the " overall " call was handled by all individuals . When typing the comments, be sure to indicate who said what and when the call was turned over to another person. Use the manager's names vs. the term "Manager", so it's easy to see who did what.

For example:

Below are some examples you can review on your own


Debra began the qualification process by asking.... (explain what was said)..... At the end of the conversation, Debra then said she would be passing the inquiry on to another sales person. She then transferred Caller to Janet Dowson. From this point forward, Janet handled the inquiry. When Janet spoke to Caller, she confirmed the details discussed with Debra. She then went on to ask some additional questions.....

Assume Manager #1 qualified, and then turned over to another sales person, despite the attempt to keep working with Manager #1. In the presentation section, both sales people did some presenting. This is a sample of how to handle that-


After Debra qualified the basic needs of the inquiry, she said she would be turning the call over to Janet Dowson. Caller asked if Debra could assist her, as she was in somewhat of a rush and did not want to have to review everything with this other sales person. Debra agreed to answer Caller's questions and proceeded to give some information on the hotel. She....(whatever she said). Manager then explained that Janet would be able to confirm the pricing and would get back with Caller that day. When Janet contacted Caller she confirmed the details discussed with Debra. She then proceeded to present the hotel. She explained to Caller.......(whatever she said)..................

When this situation happens, we then have to then switch to using the sales people's names to avoid confusion - rather than using “Manager.”

On page one of the report under Sales Manager, you will fill in both manager's names or if space does not permit full names, you may use the first initial and last name of each manager.

35 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only

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