Sales Shop Report Writing
Professionalism and Follow-up
1. Materials were received in a timely basis within 3 business days 2. Followed up personally via phone to pursue the business. (attempt must be made via phone)
Yes 7
No 0
Not Rcvd 0
N/A 0
Excellent 7 (w/in 3 total days)
Good 5 (4 – 7 total days)
Average 2 (>7 total days)
Not Done 0
N/A 0
3. Quality and presentation of correspondence was professional
Yes 3
No 0
N/A 0
If correspondence is not an attachment and is instead an email message, to gain a Yes rating, message must be in a letter format to include: greeting using client’s name, body of message, closing, and signature with manager’s name. Message must be professionally written as a separate letter attachment would be written.
4. Identified future business opportunities after cancellation
Yes 1
No 0
N/A 0
Note: if Caller does not speak with Manager when declining to book, then questions #4 is rated N/A and does not impact the score.
Score: 100% 17 points out of a possible 17
Primary Strengths Observed: The manager did an excellent job qualifying the caller's specific event needs. Manager effectively sold the features and benefits of the property in a friendly manner and was timely in quoting pricing and availability. Manager was able to overcome the caller's objection and she was proactive in her attempt to close on the business by offering a contract in her follow up email.
Primary Areas of Opportunity Observed: We suggest the manager fully qualify the caller's meeting room needs including set up style. She may also want to uncover buying criteria to allow her to sell to those specific needs. Manager is encouraged to sell against the competition in order to show her hotel's strengths. Manager may want to pose trial closing questions throughout the process.
54 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only
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