Sample Suggestions & Feedback
**Was professional and overall used good telephone etiquette
#1 Manager is encouraged to adopt a professional tone of voice when speaking with a prospective client. Handling a call in a less than professional manner may cause the caller to doubt the hotel's ability to meet her needs. #2 When speaking with a caller on the phone, Manager is encouraged to minimize distractions and noise from the surrounding area so he may focus on the business at hand.
**If a message(s) was left, it was returned promptly and Manager was prepared whenever speaking with customer
#1 We strongly encourage the manager to return all phone messages within a 24 hour window. While this includes the initial call, it also is a good practice for all messages. A quick response can lead to a quicker close on the business. #2 While the manager was prompt in responding to Caller's message, we encourage him to have the caller's details ready. This can increase the caller's perception that the manager is prepared and able to discuss her needs.
**Manager attempted to establish rapport, for example via the use of some causal conversation and friendly interaction with the customer
#1 To increase the chance of successfully winning a piece of business, Manager is encouraged to make small talk to build rapport with the caller. #2 Manager may want to approach the call in an upbeat and friendly manner, and attempt to establish a professional rapport with the caller. This can lead to more successful partnership and a higher likelihood that the caller place her business with the hotel.
**Used Caller's name more than once during the sales process
#1 While speaking with the caller Manager will want to ensure she periodically uses the caller's name. This helps draw the caller into the conversation and works toward building rapport.
#2 During the course of any phone conversations Caller and Manager have, the manager is encouraged to incorporate the caller's name into the call. While this helps build a relationship with the caller, it also helps keep her engaged in the process.
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