Sales Shop Report Writing
Steps of the Sales Process
We evaluate the selling skills of both experienced and inexperienced sales people. As the “evaluator,” it is critical that each Report Writer has a good understanding of the sales process and why each skill should be used . This will allow you to score the reports accurately and make appropriate recommendations. By fully understanding the various steps of the process and why they should be used, you will be able to make suggestions that are appropriate and create an effective and high quality report. Please review the following pages and if you have any questions on the skills being covered, don’t hesitate to contact Hospitality Softnet discuss them further. These pages are excerpts from Hospitality Softnet’s training programs, modified from a tester’s perspective.
The first step of the sales process is the Introduction. There are 3 key activities a sales person should complete in this step. They are:
Introduce themselves
Develop Rapport.......start building a relationship!!
3. State the purpose of why they are contacting the customer (when appropriate)
The second step of the Sales Process is the Qualifying Step. This is where the Sales Manager probes to learn about the customer’s needs. There are some key points for the Sales Manager to keep in mind when asking their questions. They are outlined as follows:
Qualify More Than Just Space Requirements:
The questions the manager asks lay the groundwork for the rest of the call. They should ask as many questions as possible to uncover all of their customer’s wants and needs not just the space requirements.
6 Confidential. For use by Hospitality Softnet Staff only
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