Sales Shop Report Writing

The Two Types of Questions:

Open Ended Questions:

These are Questions that encourage the customer to speak freely. The answers require more than just a “yes” or “no” answer. A sales person should ask as many open ended questions as possible and avoid using solely close ended questions .

Close-ended Questions:

These are Questions that require a one word response, or a yes or no answer. They limit a customer’s response. While necessary, they should not be the only method of questioning.

When should a manager use Open Ended Questions?

When the manager wants to uncover information from the client and they want them to speak openly and freely about their needs, wants, and concerns.


The third step of the Sales Process is the Presentation. This is where the Sales Manager presents the property to the client. There are some key points to this step.

Tailoring the Presentation

It is important to tailor the presentation according to the needs the manager uncovered in the Questioning Step. This makes it more interesting to the customer, thus more effective in selling the customer on choosing the hotel.

The manager may not cover each and every part of the hotel, if the client does not have a need for it.

Utilizing Features and Benefits

What is a Feature? Features are facts about services, amenities and physical aspects offered by your hotel.

What is a Benefit? Benefits are what the features do for your client. How they “Work” for them. Benefits answer the question, “So what?”

For example: We include a complimentary shuttle that goes to the airport, so this will provide a nice cost savings for your group as you won't have to rent cars or use a taxi.

Stating only features does not effectively sell. It is merely telling about the hotel. Incorporating benefit statements helps sell the customer on how the features will benefit them and their guests.

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